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What are Slopers?

Fittingly Sew uses the tried and tested method of first producing a “sloper” garment for a given set of body measurements. The prime purpose of the sloper is to test whether the body measurements are correct and produce a well fitting garment. If adjustments to the sloper are necessary, they can be made on the screen by dragging the piece edges and thereby redeveloping the measurements automatically.

A wide variety of patterns can then be based on the sloper with complete confidence.

The body measurements may be based on standard sizes, your own measure data, or a mixture of the two.

Your own patterns can be started in any of four ways :-

What are Templates?

Templates are patterns which adapt to the measurements in a sloper file - or to a standard size. They are short cuts which remove the need for some of the more difficult pattern construction procedures. The templates include:

Computer aided pattern drafting

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Version 3 now on sale

How to order What's new in Version 3 Fabrics Drafting tools Fittingly Sew collars